3 Amazing reasons why you need now to bring your production to Mexico ASAP

Three Amazing

We know Mexico, is the best option for US Businesses and Corporations when we talk about “Manufacturing” Here are the reasons why:

#1. A reduced supply chain, and an easy to supervise

A part made in Mexico can be put in a truck directly to the United States because of its great location compared with Asia. Making it more efficient. While it is true that some Asian countries have lower manufacturing costs per part, the cost of parts is determined by factors other than production. Freight shipping around the world isn't exactly "cheap." Manufacturing in Mexico eliminates the risk of your goods sinking in the ocean, It is simple to visit the factory. It's only a short trip away in the same time zone, if you want to meet in person to discuss your next order, see the operations, or cooperate with the team to solve a production problem. There will be no visas, “red-eye” flights, terrible jet lag, or costly business class plane tickets for you and your team.

# 2. Mexico's labor is both highly skilled and reasonably priced

Our talented labor is partly responsible for Mexico's continuous expansion in global manufacturing. Every year, tens of thousands of specialist technicians graduate from innovative public and private vocational technical institutes. The number of qualified professionals in Mexico is always increasing, from engineering designers to maintenance mechanics to tool makers. In addition to having a huge number of highly skilled individuals, Mexico's labor expenses are roughly 20% lower than those in China. And this is due to the fact that Mexico's economy is distinct.

# 3. Mexico is a country that values intellectual property

Mexico's intellectual property rules and regulations are very similar to those of the United States and Canada. Furthermore, the Mexican legal system has a methodical approach to enforcing intellectual property regulations. Because Mexico's maquila system has been in place for about 50 years, US-based companies face almost none negative outcomes or unexpected costs when manufacturing in Mexico. Furthermore, those that manufacture parts and components in Mexico are less likely to be called out for corrupt or shady practices, than companies making parts in Asia.
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